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Wings of Wax



Based on a TRUE STORY






When a renowned NASA scientist challenges the news media by insisting there’s no conflict between God and science, they smear him as a “religious nut,” igniting a fierce international controversy that threatens to destroy

his reputation and family.





Hubris breeds deceit;

But humility leads to wisdom.





Contradictions to the Christian faith do not come from the realm of science but rather from scientists who are personally biased against God. The drama of our true story centers around Dr. Vernon Grose who played a critical role in helping the Apollo mission reach the Moon.




  • Corruption in Education

  • Pervasive Lies in Science and Government 





Our dramatization of true events is based on the book

Science But Not Scientists

written by Dr. Vernon Grose, the main character in our film.





Our Main Character:


Dr. Vernon Grose

Renowned NASA Scientist




  • More than 400 TV interviews including appearances on these shows:


— The O'Reilly Factor

— The Kelly File with

Megyn Kelly

— Hannity

— ABC 20/20

— Today Show

— Good Morning


— CNN World Report

— CBS Newswatch

— BBC / London

— Lehrer News Hour


  • Chairman of Omega Systems Group Incorporated

  • International expert in systems methodology

  • Reagan appointee to the National Transportation Safety Board

  • Executive in three major corporations

  • University professor in Europe and the U.S.

  • Consultant to Fortune 100 Corporations


  • Author of the best-selling book:

MANAGING RISK: Systematic Loss Prevention for Executives


  • Listed in:

    • International WHO'S WHO of Intellectuals and

    • WHO'S WHO in the World.




Professional Background



Our Main Character, Dr. Vernon Grose, has enjoyed fame in the science community for six decades because of his central role in the Apollo Space Program, weapon systems, and his pioneering work in Risk Management.  



Vern’s Entry Into The Space Program


With only an undergraduate degree in physics, but competing with those with engineering degrees from prestigious schools like Harvard and Purdue, Vern soon gained insight and confidence that enabled him to challenge prevailing values and approaches.  This was particularly true regarding Air Force reliability demands that Boeing was required to meet.  Early on, his views began to contrast – even oppose – prevalent techniques for attaining weapon system reliability.  As Vern began to publish his ideas, they gained national and international recognition.  


At the root of Vern’s conflict with dominant and fashionable concepts for assuring and realizing reliability of complex systems was the issue of realism – that which could be clearly demonstrated.  Mathematical modeling had become vogue.  It replaced actual testing, because tests were assumed to be too expensive.  Statistical estimates – based not on what could be demonstrated but only on what could be imagined or postulated mathematically – were created and submitted as evidence of required reliability.  It was a joke – of preposterous dimension.  Missiles were exploding right after launch, one after another.  They were not reliable even though the mathematical models supposedly proved that they were. 


In contrast, Vern endorsed and promoted the concept of “test-to-failure” where missile components were operated in increasingly severe environments until they failed.  Then, assuring that missile components were operated well below the level of failure, the actual probability of success could be realistically demonstrated.  This approach also carried the strong endorsement of Wernher von Braun and his German team who ultimately led the American space program.


Following the Apollo 1 explosion that killed 3 astronauts, Dr. von Braun appointed Vern to NASA’s 5-man Safety Advisory Group for Space Flight where his well-known concepts were solicited and applied to the six successful Apollo landings on the Moon.


When you consider the extraordinarily delicate balance that had to be maintained between thousands of components and systems in a single Apollo mission, it was almost a miracle that any of the missions were successful.   In the end, six Apollo spacecraft – enabling 12 astronauts to walk on the Moon – successfully made the journey and returned safely.  Vern’s methodology for managing risk provided a vital link in the chain that made this possible.


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